The Dirt Is Red!

oh… and what's a grit?


Anything worth having is worth working your tail off to earn. Donnie Garvich

The Music Industry’s Funny Money Obviously numbers vary somewhat from artist to artist but in the end, the best way to make sure an artist you like gets the most of the money you direct at them is to show up for their live shows and buy merchandise while you’re there! Get out and see some live music, people!


You can’t control if or when opportunity will present itself. You can, however, control whether or not you are prepared when it does. Donnie Garvich

Chicago’s Tough New Gun Law Under Fire Already So let’s review. Chicago has had a gun ban in place for 28 years that was so restrictive it was deemed an infringement upon every American’s constitutional rights by the SCOTUS. During that same time, Chicago has pretty much remained high on the “violent crime per capita” list (want a reference?). I know, because…

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To err is human – and to blame it on a computer is even more so. Robert Orben

Music: Rigidly Structured or Improvisational?

So I was recently reading an interview with Tea Leaf Green’s Josh Clark (guitar, vocals) about the band’s latest album, “Looking West” (an awesome album from an awesome band if you haven’t picked it up yet). One quote in particular struck me as interesting and familiar: “That’s why I’m in a jam band, because of…

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Notes aren’t always music and music can’t be made with only notes. Donnie Garvich


Whatever it is it won’t last forever. Donnie Garvich


Ya gots to work with what you gots to work with. Stevie Wonder

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