The Dirt Is Red!

oh… and what's a grit?

Land of 1,000 Auto-Tunes

Birmingham is a terrestrial radio wasteland. It is known. Unless you’re a rabid fan of pop music (whether it originates from Los Angeles, Nashville or New York) you’re screwed if you want to listen to FM radio in Birmingham. Until recently Birmingham listeners could at least find a bit of a classic rock respite in…

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A Note For Birmingham Club Owners

Dealing with clubs and venues can be very tough for a musician. In a moment of particular frustration a while back I sat down to write an article about how the relationship between musician and venue needed to change. As I wrote, the article became less about my specific frustrations and more about overall suggestions…

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Change the National Anthem? No way!

Something interesting happened when Christina Aguilera butchered the National Anthem at this year’s Super Bowl on February 2nd. A contingent of people began to more vocally recommend that we change our National Anthem to “something simpler”. Now being honest, recommending that we use another song for our National Anthem isn’t really that new. I’ve heard quite…

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What’s wrong with Birmingham’s music scene?

Tonight I was watching my local weekly Twitter chat like I do each week. This week was particularly interesting to me because it featured Birmingham’s own comedian Roy Wood, Jr. Not just because I like Roy, mind you, but because he is an entertainer who spent time trying to make it here locally. While I…

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